Apple Developer Program Changes

September 25, 2017

Apple has made changes to their Apple Developer Program that requires you to accept the latest version of the developer license agreement. As the developer of record for your iMobile apps, you will have to log into your Apple Developer account here and review/accept the changes to the license agreement by Wednesday, October 4, 2017. This notice should appear in an orange bar across the top of the website after logging in. Click here to see the agreement in full with new additions in green and items that have been removed in red.

While Apple has not specified that your Mobile app would be removed from the App store if the license is not accepted, COCC will be unable to submit new apps on your behalf until the license is accepted. With the release of iBanking 5.1 just around the corner, COCC will be doing another iMobile mass upgrade in conjunction with your iBanking site.